

  1. Hi Grant, I heard about your blog last night at the family BBQ. Uncle Craig, your mom and I were talking about food. We are each following guidelines to lose weight and we are all succeeding, though they are different sets of guidelines! I follow Volek and Phinney - Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, and have had tremendous success. Are your familiar with their work? I am just starting on some strength training, so I will see what you have to say there. Thanks for this blog - I think the more nutrition understanding the better - for people now and for future generations. Aunt Martha

    1. Aunt Martha! Good to hear from you, and glad you made it to my blog. I am very familiar with Volek and Phinney - I've read two of their books and several studies done by them. Their research is some of the best when it comes to ketosis and VLC dieting. In my experience, many people can reap a lot of benefits by adopting low carb living and it will help fix a lot of the metabolic disorders we see from the SAD (standard American diet).. That being said, I think that after your initial adaptation period, it is wise to incorporate small carbohydrate loads once a week or once every couple weeks, especially for females. I believe they talk about it a bit in their books.

      Anyways - I agree with you... nutrition understanding is lacking. My hope with this blog is to spread some of the knowledge.

      Good luck to with your strength training and you continued dieting.
