Saturday, June 21, 2014

Daily Good Moodivation #3 - Gratitude

Gratitude is the free mental resource we can use to unlock our true potential. It is my belief that without gratitude, we can never be truly happy. Remind yourself constantly through the day of the things you are appreciative of. Everyone has one thing that they can be truly thankful for. Once you practice the habit of routinely and intentionally being grateful, you start to realize many other positive things around you. The world transforms into a different place. You begin to view your surroundings through a different lens. You become grateful for the sights and smells of the world of which you had never before been able to see or smell! All of this is entirely free to you!

How will I practice gratitude?
Make it a habit to write down 3 things you are grateful for on a daily basis. Think of them when you are brushing your teeth. Bring them to mind when you are driving home from work. Pause and reflect in the middle of the day to review your list of thanks. If someone in your life routinely has a positive impact on who you are and what you do, go out of your way to express sincere gratitude to them. Even if it is a small thing, still give thanks to those around you who have helped you in some way.

You can never express enough gratitude
You can never overuse manners. That reminds me of one thing I deeply grateful for, and that is my mother. I do not understand how she did it, but that incredible woman implanted some seriously gracious genes in my body. Well, I guess I do understand how she did it but – but I’d rather not think about that. Ha ha! Anyways, back to the point. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ should be utilized in everyday language. Basically, don’t be a jerk. Aaannndd I got off on a tangent there…. So that brings me back to…

The Law of Attraction and Gratitude
Utilize gratitude to create powerful energy field around you that radiates positive vibrations.  Once you master the practice of daily gratitude and being thankful for what you have, and most importantly, seeing the light in every dark situation, life unfolds itself before you. Your true potential is unleashed and the things which you desire attract  themselves to you. You become a magnetic being. The quickest way to getting everything that you want is by being grateful for everything you already have! 

What are you grateful for? Have a great day, good mood dudes J

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