Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Grant's Training Wednesday 8/27

Good, powerful training day today.

Wednesday 8/27"Alactic Power"

AM fasted bike ride, approx 4 miles
static stretching
800m jog
40 kg muscle snatches

A) 5 Rounds, 3 minutes rest between:
5 TnG Deadlifts @ 315#
40m Prowler Sprint @ 110#

B) 5 Rounds, 3 minutes rest between:
5 "TnG" Hang Power Snatch @ 125#, 135#, 140#, 145#, 150#
100m Sprint @ 95%

For whatever reason I am unable to attach the video above. You can click the link and watch the power snatches. 

Notes: Workout complete in 40 minutes, including warm-up. Total work completed this day was ~300 seconds, up from ~240 seconds from last week and the week prior. Power snatches have also gone up in weight. The 150x5 was strong and quick. Based on performance over the next couple days and workouts, will either ramp up one more week or back off next week and cut training intensity/ volume down to recover and reap the benefits of supercompensation. 

Post work-out nutrition - 2 raw eggs, kefir, whey protein

Bike ride to take a level 2 yoga class, practiced yoga for an hour and 25 minutes, ready for the day! 

Knowledge Expansion Links:

Energy Systems:

Alactic Training and more in depth explanation on energy systems:

Supercompensation, with reference to sports scientist legend Zatsiorsky:

A very basic graph on the concept of supercompensation:

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