Saturday, August 16, 2014

Grant's Training Saturday 8/16

Today was a very difficult day. Went hard in the gym, felt up for it. Had some Yerba Mate tea after a 1.5 hour power yoga session and trained with one of my best friends. Caffeine plus a great training environment and excellent morning = success.

Saturday 8/16
"CP Battery"  

This denotes the energy system focus for the day. I am primarily training the creatine phosphate pathway with this workout. See the following table:

DurationClassificationEnergy Supplied By
1 to 4 secondsAnaerobicATP (in muscles)
4 to 10 secondsAnaerobicATP + CP
10 to 45 secondsAnaerobicATP + CP + Muscle glycogen
45 to 120 secondsAnaerobic, LacticMuscle glycogen
120 to 240 secondsAerobic + AnaerobicMuscle glycogen + lactic acid
240 to 600 secondsAerobicMuscle glycogen + fatty acids
See below for the different types of energy we rely on for skeletal muscle movement:
  • ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate: a complex chemical compound formed with the energy released from food and stored in all cells, particularly muscles. Only from the energy released by the breakdown of this compound can the cells perform work. The breakdown of ATP produces energy and ADP.
  • CP - Creatine Phosphate: a chemical compound stored in muscle, which when broken down aids in the manufacture of ATP. The combination of ADP and CP produces ATP.
  • LA - Lactic acid: a fatiguing metabolite of the lactic acid system resulting from the incomplete breakdown of glucose. However Noakes in South Africa has discovered that although excessive lactate production is part of the extreme fatigue process, it is the protons produced at the same time that restricts further performance
  • O2 means aerobic running in which ATP is manufactured from food, mainly sugar and fat. This system produces ATP copiously and is the prime energy source during endurance activities
Source -

-10 reps DB Muscle snatch, 10 reps alternating DB Shoulder Press, 10 reps double DB Shoulder Press @ 30 lb
-Power Clean and Push Press starting at 110 lb moving up in 20 lb increments until 195 lb
-Front Squat 155 lb for several sets of 5 reps

A) Power Clean + Push Press @ 205 lb: 
EMOM for 10 minutes, 1+2 reps
rest 3 minutes 

B1) Front Squat @ 110 lb (242 lb): 
50 reps for time, every break perform 5 pull-ups with 6 second eccentric - TIME = 13 minutes 
did 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 1 front squat - failed last set last rep!!! This was difficult. 
B2) Pull-ups @ Bodyweight (60X0): 
5 reps x 5 sets
The discipline needed to pull myself up and lower under control after a heavy higher rep front squat set... purely mental.

Total workout time - 40 minutes . Total workout intensity - 100%. Heart rate >180 BPM . 

Currently in recovery. Have a great day folks!

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