Thursday, September 11, 2014

Grant's Training - 'Strength' Microcycle Week 1

Monday 9/8  
Cardio - AM Bike ride
Gym - Overall Strength
Recovery - Level 1-2 Yoga and Restorative Yoga

Tuesday 9/9 
Cardio - AM Bike ride
Gym - Alactic Power
Recovery - Healing Yoga

Wednesday 9/10 
Gym - Aerobic Power
Recovery - Level 2 Yoga and easy bike ride

Thursday 9/11 
Gym - OFF
Recovery - Level 1-2 Yoga and easy bike ride

Friday 9/12 
Cardio - AM Bike ride
Gym - CP Battery
Recovery - Power Yoga and easy bike ride

Saturday 9/13 - TBD
Sunday 9/14 - TBD

Monday's Training 9/8
"Overall Strength"

AM BWT - 187.2 lb

A) Clean + Push Press + Power Jerk:
175#/4+2+2, 190/4+2+2, 205/3+1+2, 220/2+1 push press
195/4+2+2, 210/3+1+2, 225/2 cleans only
rest 3 minutes

B1) Back Squat:
330#/5, 345/4, 360/3
335/5, 350/4, 365/2 (fail 3rd rep)
rest 2 minutes

B2) Wtd. Pull-up:
+10#/5, +15/5, +20/5
+25/3, +35/3, +35/3
rest 2 minutes

Tuesday's Training 9/9
"Alactic Power"

AM BWT - 184.2 lb

8 rounds, 3 minutes rest between:

A) 5 Hang Power Snatch
60k/5, 60k/5, 62.5k/5, 62.5k/5, 65k/5, 65k/5, 70k/5, 70k/5

B) 100m incline run (on treadmill, incline 15, speed 12) 

Wednesday's Training 9/10
"Aerobic Power"

AM BWT - 184.6 lb

A) Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean (from blocks, above knee):
70/1+2+3, 80/1+2+3, 90/1+2+3, 90/1+2+3

B) Clean (from blocks, above knee):
100/2, 110/2, 120/2

C) 5 rounds, 3 minutes rest between:
1 deficit HSPU
3 strict pull-ups
5 T2B
100m fast jog (speed 10 on treadmill)

Completed 3 complete circuits each 3 minute round for a total of 15 circuits in 30 minutes.

Thursday's Training 9/10

Friday's Training 9/12
"CP Battery"

A) EMOM for 10 minutes:
Power Clean+ Push Press (2+2)
95k/2+2 for ten sets 

B) AFAP - 50 TnG Deadlifts for time @ 315#
Each break perform 3 deficit HSPU
Completed in 8:15, PR


  1. Hey Grant, I've been thinking about getting into yoga. Do you have any recommendations on how to begin/things I should look at?

    I'd rather try it by myself first to save myself potential money and embarrassment.

    1. I'd recommend a simple 10-15 minute beginner morning routine, and start incorporating it into your morning every day. This will be a primer to open the body early in the day and learn some basic yoga moves. I did this for quite a while before actually joining a studio, but have to say that the studio and official practice drastically produces change...

      Starting out the things you really want to work on are connecting with your breathe, and being able to find the "alignment" that yoga always refers to. This often means you cannot go fully into a pose because you lose the deep nasal breathing and start tensing and/or moving out of position and taking the stress off what you are intending to stretch.

      Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions. Yoga has really been a transformational addition to my lifestyle.
