Sunday, September 21, 2014

Grant's Training - 'Strength' Microcycle Week 2

Monday 9/15  
Gym - Overall Strength
Recovery - Restorative Yoga

Tuesday 9/16 
Gym - Alactic Power
Recovery - Healing Yoga

Wednesday 9/17 
Gym - Aerobic Power
Recovery - Easy bike ride

Thursday 9/18 
Cardio - AM Bike Ride
Gym - OFF
Recovery - Level 1-2 Yoga and easy bike ride

Friday 9/19 
Cardio - AM Bike ride
Gym - CP Battery
Recovery - Power Yoga and easy bike ride

Saturday 9/13
Cardio - Bike Ride
Gym - OFF
Recovery - Level 1-2 Yoga

Sunday 9/14 - TBD

Monday's Training 9/15"Overall Strength"

AM BWT - 180.4 lb

Warm-up) Clean + Push Press:
165#/3+3, 185/3+3, 205/3+3
rest 2 minutes

A1) Clean:
225/2, 245/1, 225/3, 245/2, 255/1
rest 2 minutes
A2) DB Press:
70#/6 reps x 5 sets
rest 2 minutes

B1) Back Squat:
330#/5, 360/3, 375/1
335/5, 360/3, 380/1 
rest 2 minutes

B2) Wtd. Pull-up:
+15#/6, +20/6, +25/5
+30/5, +35/4, +45/4
rest 2 minutes

Tuesday's Training 9/16"Alactic Power"

AM BWT - 180.2 lb

A) Snatch (from floor):
(60/3)2, (70/3)2, 75/3, 80/3, 85/3

5 rounds, 3 minutes rest between:
A) TnG Snatch Pull:
110/5, 120/5, 120/5, 120/5, 120/5

B) Prowler Sprint:
50kg /5 , 5, 5, 5, 5

4 rounds, 3 minutes rest between:C) 5 Hang Power Snatch
60kg (warm-up), 65, 70, 70, 70

D) 100m incline run (on treadmill, incline 15, speed 12) 

Wednesday's Training 9/17"Aerobic Power"

AM BWT - 179.8 lb

A) Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean (from blocks, above knee):
70/1+2+3, 80/1+2+3, 90/1+2+3, 90/1+2+3

B) Clean (from blocks, above knee):
100/2, 110/2, 120/2, 125/2

C) 3 rounds, 3 minutes rest between:
1 Power Clean @ 165#
3 Push Press @ 165#
5 Front Squat @ 165#
30m Farmer's Walk @ 70#
*Completed 3 circuits per round... on round 3, in the 2nd circuit hurt back right rib on front squat and experienced pain - had to shut it down and could not complete. 

C) 10 Min AMRAP 
1 deficit HSPU
3 strict pull-ups
5 T2B
100m fast jog (speed 10 on treadmill)
*Completed 7 complete circuits with almost zero rest between any exercise.


Friday's Training 9/19"CP Battery"

AM BW - 180.2 lb

A) Find Press 1RM in 10 minutes from bar:
Bar/20 reps, 95#/5, 115/3, 135/2, 155/1, 165/1, 175/1

B) EMOM for 20 minutes:
Evens - Clean Deadlift @ 170 kg x 2 reps
Odds - Push Press (from rack) @ 215# x 2 reps

C) AFAP - 50 Pull-ups for time 
Each break perform 3 deficit HSPU
Completed in 7:30, PR - 16, 9, 7, 7, 6, 4, 1

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