Monday, August 11, 2014

Daily Good Moodivation #17 - Remove the Negative Energy

Negativity. It is contagious, and spreads quickly like a virus. We must actively remove and defend ourselves from this living, breathing creature in order to purify our lives. We must fortify ourselves from negative thoughts, negative emotions, and negative behaviors otherwise we can easily be consumed by this black cloud.

It is easy to be negative. It's easy to cast blame, feel fear, to judge, to deny responsibility, to procrastinate, and to dislike or distrust. Oftentimes, this is just our internal self attempting to justify its own feelings - these are examples of our own internal demons reflecting themselves in the external world. Have you ever heard that the people you dislike the most are the ones who embody characteristics or behaviors that are similar to your own? Think about it. We will dislike someone based on these traits only to realize that we are the same.

Remove the negative energy from your life. This suffocating cloud of draining energy has a physical presence in your life. It makes you feel stress, lose sleep, eat poorly, procrastinate, fear, judge, and distrust. It is through negative energy that our true beings our stifled, and our souls lack the ability to breathe and connect clearly. Once you take the steps to eliminating this negativity, and embracing the positive vibrations of the universe more freely, you begin to open up. It's like seeing an experiencing the world through an entirely new lens.

You will be happier (duh). More productive at work. You will learn to love yourself (even more). You will enjoy being in the moment. You will strive for value added activities and deep conversations, versus another Game of Throne episodes and a bowl of ice cream. And, more than anything, you will learn to love unconditionally. To give and receive love is the greatest and ultimate gift of our human nature. Negativity blocks the free flow of that pure love. It muddies the river which connects our soul to that of others.

Many people might think that they are perfectly positive. You might be. Although it is also crucial to realize that a daily effort to remove negatively and practice a positive mindset is a requirement in today's world, where we are constantly being bombarded by negative energy. Ask yourself some of the following questions:

- Do you watch or read negative media regularly?
- Do you stress or worry about situations that you cannot change?
- Do you find yourself passing judgment on others for little to no reason?
- Are you easily influenced by events and people, versus your own personal mindset?
- Is it difficult for you to smile first thing in the morning?
- Do you dread future events or deadlines, versus embracing the challenge?
- Do you hold grudges?
- Do you think about past events and dwell on them?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is likely that you are carrying negative energy within you. You must release that negativity. Make a vow to yourself today, right now, that you will purge yourself of this trauma. Fully forgive anyone who has ever done you wrong in the past. Remember, holding a grudge is like drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die. Spend the first part of every day reminding yourself of what you are thankful for, as opposed to reading e-mails, checking Facebook or other social media. Before you start reading about the day's events, it might be wise to read or watch something positive and motivational for at least ten minutes, instead of reading about a military conflict thousands of miles away. Before your criticize anyone or anything, think about an alternative or solution. Ask yourself critically - why am I feeling or thinking this way about this person? Can I see the positive in them? Force yourself to smile when you wake up, first thing. This is one the most simple and powerful morning rituals to perform. See a deadline as a chance for growth, an opportunity to expand yourself. Be not afraid of the future - accept it and embrace today with passion and love and allow yourself to be driven by these positive vibrations so that the future unfolds itself naturally.

Get rid of fear. Fear is what paralyzes all of us out of action. Fear is the father of negative energy. Without fear, we would not be driven to have any negative thoughts, emotions, feelings, or behaviors. It is because of fear that we act out of spite, anger, or sadness. We are afraid of what will happen to ourselves if we change who we are. The problem with that is that we constantly discovering ourselves. Who we are right now, today, only knows how to act a certain way. We must reprogram ourselves in order to reduce this fear, and thus eliminate negative energy.

This is the circle of life. As a child, we are born with no inhibitions, no expectations, and no classifications. We know nothing and our ego is nothing, a blank slate. It is through the environment and what we are taught, who we are around, and the programming of society that our ego develops. We learn to be scared of certain things, people, or places. We adapt to love more conditionally and less unconditionally. The world becomes a negative place the more we allow our ego to grow and our fear to drive our behaviors and reactions.

Great thinkers and spiritual believers are ones who come full circle and purify their ego and their spirit so that they remove these programmed beliefs, reducing their ego step by step until they are once again, a pure soul. That is what the journey of life is all about. We are only on this physical plane of existence for such a short period of time, and it is up to us during this time to discover this purification. All religious beliefs stems from these same principles. The circle of life and purification of the soul from what I just described is taught in all religious texts.

I am rambling at this point but I hope some of this made sense. Some of you who have stuck with me to this point may now be wondering - is there anything I can do to purify my soul? How can I reduce the negative energy in my life? It is a daily effort, but once you know how, it is easy. You must take action on your own life. You have to take steps to reduce all negative energy that surrounds you, at first. Otherwise, you risk this energy permeating your mind and bringing you away from the positive vibrations you seek. Look around at who you hang out with. What are these people doing? What do they talk about? Once you become aware of true positive thought, it is easy to see what it is not. Seek out others on the same path as you. Share your beliefs with others and surround yourself with the people who support those beliefs. Know what you stand for and who you truly are. Look for these characteristics in others and connect with them. Understand that others may not be at the same spiritual level as you, and there may be others ahead of you in this sense, but always be willing to provide guidance to people who ask the right questions.

With the short amount of time we spend on this physical plane - that is what life is all about. Seeking that connection with other beings, allowing yourself to guide and be guided by this connection between souls, and purifying our spirits through daily efforts.

Be excited about this. If you read this entire post, you just had a glimpse into my brain; and a glimpse into my soul. We share a connection. Now go and take this energy, and make a difference today. Make a stranger smile and spread that connection into them. Take steps to remove the negative energy in this world, and suddenly you are less afraid.

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