Thursday, July 31, 2014

Daily Good Moodivation #16 - Take Charge

You are responsible for your life. The minute you start truly realizing this, is the minute you begin to change everything about your reality. Everything you experience, feel, think, and accomplish, is a result of the mindset you have.

To change the world you must first change yourself.

And by doing so, you set yourself firmly in the driver's seat of today, of tomorrow, and of the rest of your life.

What does this mean? Avoid passing judgment. Avoid placing blame. Take responsibility. Do not accept self-defeating thoughts. When a negative emotion or idea enters your head, question that thought vigorously. Ask yourself - is there any real, rational reason for this thought? Many times we find ourselves scared of things that have never even happened! We are paralyzed by the thought of "what if?" This removes all presence that we strive to maintain.

The state of being 'present', and awareness, is by definition a mindset that removes the barriers of worry, anxiety, and fear. Focus on being present. See things as they truly are, and experience the world for each moment as it presents itself. I promise that once you start paying close attention to your behaviors, what you see, what you hear, and how you act - you will find yourself appreciating more and enjoying everything to a higher degree. All of a sudden you notice the beauty of mother nature that you've only fleetingly seen before. You start to see the beautiful and intricate patterns of the universe; from the complex relationships you maintain with other interconnected beings in this world to the basic sights and smells of our mother Earth, you recognize what a blessing it is to be alive and be able to perceive all that is happening.

So - take charge of your life. Decide today, right now, that you will be solely responsible for everything that happens to you. You determine how you feel, what you think, how your day goes and what you wish for. You don't necessarily have to change anything physically in the actual sense of changing your surroundings or environment, but by changing your mindset you will automatically have a different perception of what is going on around you.

To change your world you must first change yourself.

Think of the world 'responsible' - it literally means response-able, or rather your ability to produce a response. For every action there is a reaction. 'We' are the sum total of all of our reactions to life's experiences up until this point. Have you reacted favorably or negatively? Have you ever thought about this? What was the last fight you got into, disagreement you had, or negative behavior you exhibited? Was that truly 'you'? Perhaps in that particular moment it was, because the true 'you' became unhinged and you lost your ability to maintain control. Make up your mind to have the goal of eliminating these incidents.

All humans possess an innate desire to feel and be loved. We all want to be a part of something - a community, a relationship, or some other connection. What can you do to help the people around you to feel that love? You have a massive role to play in the lives of every single being you've ever interacted with. You have the ability to change the life of the person at the grocery story having a bad day, simply by smiling. You contain the courage to stand up for what you believe in because you know that it is right and just and will support others who may not have found that courage yet.

You can change the world. You must first change yourself. 

What will you do differently today? Have you made up your mind to take yourself where your heart desires? If you aren't sure where that is, a simple solution to this is to start helping others get what they desire first. There is something magical about the act of servitude. Become a steward for the world and sooner or later you will be struck by the realization of your ultimate purpose in life. You will see the signs. You will discover what your true purpose is. It is through this true purpose that brings you closer to the infinite energy source of the Universe.

You are changing the world as you are already changing yourself. 

Thanks for reading. Have a great day everyone.

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