Thursday, July 3, 2014

Daily Good Moodivation #12 - Three Tips to Start Living Your Life

What's up good mood foodies, hope you've been enjoying the posts so far. I am loving all the positive feedback and appreciate everyone for taking the time to read my ramblings. Today's post is near and dear to me, as it seems like we all come to crossroads from time to time and feel like we've become stagnant in our own personal growth or development, or that we aren't living up to our full potential, or thousands of other negative and self-defeating thoughts and feelings. 

It is very important that we overcome these temporary mental roadblocks as soon as possible lest we find ourselves in a downward spiral that is difficult to get out of. 

Oftentimes, the chain reaction result of having these thoughts will reverberate for months or even years, until one day we wake up and have a revelation or sudden epiphany. It is my belief that the more often we can have these sparks of enlightenment, the more aligned we become with our true purpose.... and with that, comes a deep sense of fulfillment, life satisfaction, and an increase in the natural love we want to share with the world.

How can we increase the frequency of these turning points in our life?

How can we stop fucking around and start actually living? 

Here are just a few tips I like to live by.....


Far to often, we fall into the trap of our everyday routine. This is usually successful for long periods of time, however we can become comfortable in the thought that we have a productive method of accomplishing things and we begin doing the same things day in and day out, while still achieving our goals and making forward progress. Obviously making forward progress is fantastic, but in order to find the spark of a new idea, a new relationship, a slightly altered path, or new adventure filled with character development and opportunities.... we must change it up. How do we change it up? One of the easiest ways is to go on a vacation to a place you've never been before. Some people don't always have the luxury to pack up and leave whenever, so try to take a weekend get-a-way if possible, preferably somewhere close to nature. You can also sign up for a class to learn about something you are passionate about, join a club, volunteer, rearrange your room or house. Go to bed earlier. Pick up a hobby. Hang out with a new group of friends.  Do something exciting that you've never done before. The important thing as that you change your environment. By giving way to new surroundings and changing it up, you stimulate your mind's creative thought processes and allow new, refreshing streams of ideas and innovation to flow through and clean out some of the stagnant thoughts that have become embedded in your brain.


By practicing gratitude for what you currently have, you will begin to attract what you actually want. One of the easiest ways to start living a more fulfilling and satisfying life is simply by giving thanks to your present existence. Remind yourself daily what it is your are thankful for. Write it down. Express sincere thanks where it is due. Tell your parents how appreciative you are of them and their support, even if your relationship hasn't been the best. I guarantee once people start to see the positive energy radiating from you they will be more likely to help you with your mission in life whether it be directly or indirectly. Think about how you feel when you do something for someone and they never actually thank you for your deed. In a way, they've made a withdrawal from your emotional bank account. Eventually, your balance will be zero and you will have no more funds to give to that person. However, when they thank you and you feel appreciated for your efforts, they just deposited money back into your bank account while also growing their own. The world works in the same way. If you are constantly practicing gratitude and appreciating all that you have, you are depositing money into everyone else's emotional bank accounts, improving your relationships, and growing your own emotional reserves at the same time. The world is not a give-take place. Once we can all realize that, we will make massive forward progress in terms of overall happiness. By becoming grateful, we improve our sense of well-being, happiness, mood, energy, and the positive impact we have on this world.


Your body is a temple, a sacred place that houses your mind, body, and soul. How can you expect to live your life to your full potential if you are hiring poorly skilled workers and paying them terribly low wages to build this fortress? It's like putting unleaded fuel in a Ferrari. If you owned a Ferrari, you probably wouldn't do that - you'd obviously put premium. However, using that analogy, has anyone ever acquired a Ferrari through half-assed effort on their part? Maybe, but I guarantee that mostly people driving them have achieved success through daily and sustained efforts of commitments to excellence. Treat your body as if it is the same. Would you smoke a cigarette in the holiest temple in the world? How can you expect yourself to possess a pristine temple when you are rushing your meals, barely exerting yourself on the physical plane to transform your body, and never even giving yourself time to reflect within your mind? Practice daily habits that clear your mind, sculpt you body, and connect with your spirit. Make your external appearance a true reflection for your internal being, and vice versa. No one appreciates a super fit asshole, except maybe other super fit assholes. Interestingly enough, a person who is physically out of shape, but more in tune mentally and spiritually, someone who is positive and radiant with good energy - this person generally receives more respect and quality relationships in the world than the other guy. This is a good contrast and should be noted. Although we may be led to believe otherwise through media and social influence, I believe the world still puts emphasis on strong and positive mental health than physical fitness, whether we actually know it or not. I guess my point here is that train your mind as hard as you train your body - never neglect one or the other, because both of these things are the temple that houses your soul. By treating your body as the most sacred and holy temple known to man, and believing this philosophy, you will practice mastery of all your body's many facets, and start to truly live your life.

And there you have it... my ramblings on how to start actually living to our full potential. Hope you enjoyed the read ! Comment and leave feedback...

Have a wonderful day and live your life like you are meant to. 

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