Thursday, July 10, 2014

Daily Good Moodivation #15 - Find Your Passion

"She never had never dreams, so they never came true." 

A very strong quote that I heard on a podcast this morning. It really hit home with me. Wanted to write about it.

Here are some tips to help you find your passion. Give yourself time to think about these questions and answer them honestly. It helps if you write it out and let your thoughts and feelings flow on paper. Just allow your mind to open up see what comes out. I strongly suggest you grab a sheet of paper and pencil for this exercise.

1) Do you like what you are doing? 

Would you be happy doing what you are doing, right now, for the rest of your life? This is a tough question to ask for many. We are so caught up in convincing ourselves that we like our jobs or our careers that we lose sight of what we actually love. Why is it that way? I think it is because we are raised to live up to the expectations of others. This is no way to thrive. Detach yourself from these expectations and find what your soul truly desires.

2) What are you good at? 

What are the things that you feel confident doing? This is a bit easier to answer, but also takes some introspection.  Have you ever had a teacher who was really good at teaching, and made even the most boring subject interesting to learn about? Have you ever seen someone who is an expert in their craft, and been fascinated by their ability to do something? These skills come in all shapes and sizes. What do people come to you and ask you about? What can you speak with certainty about? On a sheet of paper, write down all the things you think you are good at, or even skills that people may notice in you. This is a great positive affirmation exercise as well as a  reflection on your natural talents.

3) What have you always wanted to do? 

What would you like to see yourself doing 5 years from now? What could you do, if money was not an issue? You know, Jim Rohn says something like "if you do more than you get paid for, eventually you'll get paid for more than you do." I think this is a great way to look at it. Nothing is off limits here. In fact, the more wild and crazy your dream, the more important it is that you pursue that! The world needs more people doing what they actually want to do, not what they think they ought to do! You are doing everyone a disservice by not following your dreams!

Once you have these questions answered, you should have a much more clear vision of what it is you truly want to do. When you establish that path, think about it often. Remind yourself of your heart's desire. Spend time every day moving toward that ultimate destination. Become an expert in your passion, read books on the subject and live your life in accordance with what it is you love to do. 

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