Friday, July 4, 2014

Daily Good Moodivation #13 - Keep it REAL

Keep it real. Be yourself. Stay true. Be present. 

All simple sayings that seem to span across the world in teachings on life lessons and morality.

Easy advice to follow, but sometimes we find ourselves not keeping it very real.

Don't hide who you really are. Align yourself with your deeply held, inner principles and ensure that your moral compass points due north, then live your life based on this map. Humans are not stupid. We can tell, whether we know it or not, when someone is misaligned or off base. We tend to get a strange feeling, or a sneaking suspicion, without even noticing it.

This is why we gravitate towards some people and reject others. Humans are naturally attracted to those who are congruent with their inner self, whose external image is a reflection of who they are inside. Their actions and words accurately represent their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. When this is the case, we usually will automatically like the person based on the simple fact of human nature. Our subconscious mind feels 'at ease' around this person - there are no underlying currents of deception that we must look out for or be aware of.

By being yourself, you maintain your integrity. You maintain a sense of trust with yourself and with others. When you put up a front, your mind experiences cognitive dissonance - the mental stress caused as a result of holding to contradicting beliefs in the brain. This is subtly visible even in the most skilled deceivers.

By being yourself, you have nothing to hide. You are you, and people who align with you by their overlapping interests and values are the ones who should naturally be around you. 

Have you ever met someone and automatically hit it off? Usually this person has clear values and principles that you agree with or possess as well. You could say that their soul vibrates on the same frequency as your own. The more of these types of people you have in your life, the more fulfilling and satisfying your life becomes. You become a happier, more positive, and more radiant person as your external reflection grows and develops in a way that benefits the world.

You will experience less stress and fewer mental roadblocks. You will be in harmony with your life. Your purpose becomes more and more clear as you continue to be yourself.

This is not something that happens overnight. This is something you must practice on a daily basis. We've grown to be so ingrained in our ways, following expectations of others and influenced by social media and other pressures, that we forget who we truly are.

Only through consistent and intentional habits do we start to keep it more real. Whenever you do or say something, ask yourself - does this reflect who I am, what I like, what I believe in? If the answer is no, or you hesitate.... you have just caught yourself failing to keep it real.

So - on this beautiful day, I urge you to go forward and keep it realer than ever before. Be so proud to be yourself that other people cannot help but love you for it. I promise that as you make these efforts day in and day out you will attract people in your life who should be there, you will acquire a new happiness and fulfillment with life, and you will have a new love for yourself and the world.

1 comment:

  1. I find myself not being me sometimes.. Not saying what i want to say or not doing stuff i want, been trying to change that because i dont like doing it anymore. When i was younger i had that spirit and then it changed. Great post and keep this blog running man
