Monday, July 7, 2014


Sitting here at the end of another week. Feeling very good about the month of July so far. Day 6 and we have been making great progress. I feel like I am finding a new path and direction in my life at a very rapid pace. The actual visualization and images of what my future looks like is taking form in my mind's eye. I am at peace with my inner self. The path I must follow is clear.

Moving into another week, I am looking forward to achieving progress towards the goals that I have set for my self.

I must help people through the use of food as medicine. I must empower the world to respect the health that mother nature has blessed us with. I will become an optimal health performance coach.

At breakfast today, I look over and I see a whole family served with four slices of whole grain toast each. It made me realize how misinformed the general public is regarding the state of modern nutrition. Why can we be raised, led to believe and trust the food pyramid our country has created for us, as the guidelines of healthy eating? Here in America we have the average household consuming boxes of cereal for breakfast because it is "low fat" and filled with "whole grains". At the same time we wonder why one out of three children or adolescents is overweight or obese, and why the rate of obesity has skyrocketed for our young population in recent years.

And almost no one questions this. We need to wake up people.

Where is the person at the spearhead of the health movement? I know we have a variety of great minds and people in the new-age health arena, people like Robb Wolf, Dave Asprey, Jack Kruse, Chris Kresser. These men have really helped to change the way we look at nutrition, hormones, modern day ailments and toxins, stress, and the holistic health of the person.

But I can't really think of any one person who is taking this battle where it belongs - knocking on the door of our government. Why?

Perhaps there has been no one persistent enough, smart enough, or crazy enough to do so. Maybe people have tried and failed to accomplish any significant progress or change in the current system and gave up. I must do all that I can to acquire the knowledge and education necessary to spur changes in our current state. I must become a leading expert in this field while expanding circle of influence in order to create positive changes.

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